Predictive Analytics of your business travel
ОКО is the 360°vision on business travel and industry of your organization
How much time do you spend on travel reports and analytics?
Do you have a full picture about your business travel and areas of cost-savings? OKO is a flexible platform of predictive analytics. It is created for experts in business travel management. It supports decision making based on figures and facts. Get the 360° vision on your business travel with OKO!
  • Оbjectivity
    All data is gatherd in one window. It helps to make solutions based on figures and facts.
  • Consulting
    Get recommendations and insights. You will reach forecasts and advices in business travel management.
  • Оpenness
    360° vision on business travel from general view to deep datails.
A picture is worth a thousand words
Meet our predictive analytics platform
How ОКО helps travel managers
OKO helps travel managers and leaders in business travel
Navigator of business travel manager
Dashboard for monitoring all key performance indicators in a single window.
Benchmarking and analytics by business industries
Get the information how much the same travel services costs in your industry and others.
Budget assistant and expense forecast
Easely find the lost profit. The interactive consultant assistant tells you how to optimize your travel expenses.
Access to data in any place and time
You can answer the TOP manager's questions about the travel budget while being outside the office.
Build and extend travel policy management
All the necessary indicators for evaluating travel policy management and identifying TOP violators are on the same window.
Recommendations and insights for your business
Develop strategic decisions you can imagine with full set of recommendations and insights created specifically for you.
ОКО is smart and user-friendly
OKO empowers you with data science skills and intuitive interface with clear recommendations for business travel management. You don't need the deep training to start working with a platform.
Integration all data sources in a same window
All expense data by travel services (air, train, hotels), travelers and external data sources are in the same platform.
Smart filters and intelligent search
It has smart filters for any period to explore data in any measures and parameters.
Visual analytics with drill-down function
All analytics is created from general overview to deep details to find a reason of travel cases.
Event notifications
Get the notifications about goal achievement.
In-memory computing
Win insights and recommendations about business travel for seconds.
Collaboration and security
Receive secure data access and trustworthiness.
Try ОКО for free with own data
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